Find out more about applying to University generally, and about our university’s admission process.
Once you have chosen which course(s) you would be interested in studying you need to make an application to your chosen University.
Applications procedures will differ depending on the University and the course you have chosen to study but you may be invited to attend an interview, complete tests or submit examples of your work as part of this process.
Disability Access Route to Education
Applicants, parents and Guidance Counsellors with questions about completing the DARE form should consult the published handbooks and contact CAO if they cannot find answers to their questions. We will have staff trained in dealing with queries on completing these sections of the form.
To speak to a DARE representative in the Access Office of each of the participating institutions please use the contact details listed here.
How could this affect me?
Knowing more about the application and admissions process will enable you to prepare, and think about whether you require any support or adjustments through this process e.g. extra time for interviews. If you have any concerns about the admissions process and would like to talk about your options for support, you can contact the Disability Advice team.
What to do next?
Become familiar with the admissions process and consider telling the University about your autism
Practical tips
Questions to think about
- What is the application process for your chosen course?
- What do you need to submit to support your application?
- Do you need to write a personal statement?
- Do you need to provide evidence in the form of a portfolio of work?
- When are the deadlines for applications?
- When should you expect to hear if your application has been successful?
- Who do you need to contact at your chosen university to discuss disability support?
- A student’s view on sharing an autism diagnosis
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