1 Health and Wellbeing

This article focuses on the importance of healthy habits for wellbeing. The article provides useful tips and information regarding physical wellbeing, diet, responsible alcohol use, exercise and sleep. It also details the services available at ATU Sligo.

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2 What happens if I have practice placements on my course?

The number of students with disabilities studying professional courses has increased significantly over the last number of years and to ensure students with disabilities are adequately supported they must be registered with  Disability Service and request a PLENS (Professional Learning Education Needs Assessment).

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3 Studying remotely in times of social distancing

The article provides practical assistance with studying during and after the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown. It covers mental health and well-being considerations as well as guidance in navigating university systems, services and people you can liaise with. We also offer guidance on prioritising your work, taking into account a healthy work-life balance.

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5 What is university really like?

It’s hard to know what university is like until you get there, and all universities are different.  In some ways it’s easier to describe what university isn’t! Well, everyone says that it is not like school or college, or work, or home. So, what IS university really like? We aim to give you a realistic view, based on things students told us they wish they had known.

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6 Fund for Students with Disabilities

Most students registering with the Disability Service request access to a range of supports that help the student to reach their full potential while studying. Most student needs are accommodated through these supports. Some of these disability student supports are co-funded by the Department of Education and Skills and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020.Funding for these supports is not provided to individual students as is the case for the Disabled Student Allowance in the UK.After registering online, students who desire specialist disability supports will be invited to meet with a member of the Disability Service team (Disability Officer/Occupational Therapist) on a one-to-one basis to discuss specialist disability supports. The student decides on the level of support that they require. All students in this category will have a full needs assessment and a Learning Educational Needs Assessment (LENS) report is produced for these students.
The FSD does not cover costs that all students would have to pay for, like buying textbooks or standard laptops or tickets for the bus to and from university. FSD is not paid directly to the student.
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9 Autism Friendly Campus Initiative

ATU Sligo is on a journey to become an autism-friendly campus through a collaboration between ATU Sligo, AsIAm and Specialisterne Ireland (a specialist consultancy that recruits and supports autistic people). But what does that mean?



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13 How to manage exams

This section looks at how to manage exams. This includes information about what to expect, how to prepare for an exam and practical tips to help you perform well.

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14 Talking about your autism

By talking about your autism and advocating for yourself, you make an important step towards feeling comfortable with others. This activity introduces the advantages of being open about your autism, and give some practical tips.

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17 What is group work really like?

Working in a group with other students is part and parcel of university study. Quite a few people worry about it, and some have real problems with it. This activity looks at the main issues people have with group work and gives you some practical tips for your own study.

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19 What are seminars really like?

Seminars provide an opportunity to explore topics by discussion, and to identify and resolve any questions that may arise after lectures.  This section will look at how to prepare for a seminar, and what to expect from one.

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20 What are computer lab sessions really like?

On technical courses such as Computing, Forensics, Games Development or Creative Technology you will spend a lot of tutorial time in a computer lab. Whilst you’ll often focus on what you’re coding or designing, you may also take part in discussions and group tasks, like in a traditional seminar. Read this article to learn more about the nature of lab sessions.

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21 Managing conflict

Different people have different expectations and styles of working or living together. Sometimes that can lead to conflict. This article will help you recognise causes of conflict and proposes strategies to resolve it.

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23 How to reduce anxiety and stress

It is normal to feel anxious when starting something new, like a university course, and everyone feels stress at difficult times of the year like exam periods or when there is a lot happening in their lives. It can sometimes be hard to relax. This activity is about helping you to manage these feelings and includes tips from other autistic students.

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